March 30, 2014

Happy New Moon to all! <3

affirmation: March 28, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I now allow myself to be the most gracious, Love-full, abundant being I can be.

happy healing

affirmation: March 26, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

 I find my voice, and I express my sacred Truth with Love.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 25, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I believe in my Self, and the good I do.

happy healing.

Thank you so very much

A great big thank you going out to the Association of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Nurses, for their excellent contributions, participation, and kind feedback, on the presentation I shared last night, at BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
You are each so very awesome, and it was an honour to get to share my Love-based message with such passionate, and brilliant practitioners.
Thank you for your keen interest, and enthusiasm.
I am sending an extra special thanks to Kamal Bains, for inviting me to speak, and for being such a gracious host.

March 20, 2014

Happy first day of Spring, from sunny Vancouver, BC, Canada.


affirmation: March 19, 2014

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

 With every fiber of my Being, I choose Love as the guiding force in my Life.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 18, 2014

 Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I, often, give myself deep breaths, as gifts.

happy healing.

affirmation: March 17, 2014

Today’s affirmation:

I honour my inner-guidance, I am true to my Self.

happy healing.

March 16, 2014

Happy Full Moon to all!

“Whatever you are doing, Love yourself for doing it.

Whatever you are feeling, Love yourself for feeling it.”

~ Thaddeus Golas