Tag Archives: affirmation

affirmation: July 3, 2013

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I move in alignment with love. I breathe love into my body. I breathe love into my thoughts and feelings. I breathe love into ever action, and every interaction today.


affirmation: June 25, 2013

Today’s Love-filled affirmation:

I intend that Love shine through all that I do.

affirmation: June 24, 2013

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

Feeling Awesome is my highest priority. I breathe deeply and know that I deserve to feel the  Awesome I create.


affirmation: June 22, 2013

This affirmation is designed to help intentionally practice bringing more Love into your day, and into your life.

Today’s affirmation: I breathe love into my body. I breathe love into the earth. I breathe love into my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I live in alignment with love, and in doing so, I help myself feel awesome.

The following affirmation pairs nicely with slow, deep breaths.

affirmation: June 20, 2013

Today’s affirmation: Love unites all. I am always connected.

Happy Summer Solstice!



Reminder: June 19, 2013

A Love-filled reminder:

Love holds no grievances. You are always forgiven.



affirmation: June 15, 2013

Today’s affirmation: I move my body in ways that please me. I smile and laugh often. I deserve to feel good, and I do.


affirmation: June 12, 2013

Today’s affirmation: I now allow myself to FEEL my freedom.

breathe love in

I have long noticed in my personal life, and my clinical practice, that we are best at what we practice most often.

Today I practice breathing love in.

I use my imagination and my breath to invite love in.


As love is unlimited, breathing love in is always an option.

I can breathe love into my body, into anywhere I feel tension. I can breathe love into my mind, matters of the heart, and even into concepts I might feel uncertain about, like finances, a big decision, or perhaps a relationship that feels imbalanced.

I can breathe love in anytime, anywhere, and for any reason.

The more I practice breathing love in, the more empowered, confident, and connected I feel.

I know I deserve to feel good, and I also know that feeling good is no one’s job but mine, so today, I help myself feel more awesome by breathing love in, often, throughout the day.

happy healing.


affirmation: April 2, 2013

It feels good to practice this one.

Today’s affirmation: I smile often.