Tag Archives: health

affirmation: March 8, 2013

Today’s affirmation: I am building a future that feels bright, safe, and secure. I deserve to feel good, and I do.

Love is Real

To honour the importance and value of expressing creativity, I have been scheduling in ‘creative time’ and it has been both fun and rewarding.

I have been playing with paints, pens, felts, pencils and words.

This is an example of playtime with paints… ♥


Today’s affirmation: Love is real, and I choose to breathe it in, with every breath.

my future is bright, safe, & secure.

This is an awesome message to affirm:


Today’s hhc affirmation: My future is bright, safe, and secure

Serving Suggestions:

  • Consider inhaling a breath slowly, and deeply and affirming this message.
  • Exhale your breath slowly and completely, as you affirm that your future is bright, safe, and secure.
  • Continue this breathing and affirming for as long as you find therapeutic.

Please read on, if you are finding that even during and after you practice breathing, slowly and deeply, and affirming that your future is bright, safe, and secure, you do not feel that it is true.

What if your future doesn’t feel bright, safe and secure?

There is a high probability that if your future doesn’t feel safe and secure, that the actions you are taking right now are not giving you confidence that your future is going to be any more comfortable or secure than it is now. If you are not taking excellent care of your Self, then it is likely your body is not feeling loved, safe or secure now, why would it foresee a safe and bright future?

Your future is malleable, and responds to your beliefs, thoughts and actions. Your future is a direct result of what you are doing, thinking and feeling right now. You have the power to give yourself permission to help your now feel more bright, safe and secure. If you do at least one thing every day that helps you feel bright, safe and secure, you will be on a path to a future that is brighter, safer and more secure.

You have the power to be kind to the one person that can change everything in the world around you. You.

Even a little self-care goes a long way; self-care is gift to the world, it helps everything feel slightly more awesome, and that is quite a blessing.

Sometimes we need assistance keeping ourselves accountable to our self-care goals, especially as we transition , if that feels like it might be true for you, consider reaching out to someone you love, asking them to help you remember to nourish your new behaviours and patterns of wellness.

If you are looking for a little more support, or maybe some assistance making and attaining self-care and wellness goals please contact us for some professional perspective, and book a consultation or healing energy session.

March & April 2013 Promotion

Spring is coming, and we at holistic health consulting welcome it along with the growing daylight.

Many people are drawn to do some Spring cleaning around their homes this time of year. We invite you to consider engaging in some holistic Spring cleaning, on all levels- including emotional, mental, and energy-healing.

This promotion is designed to assist with the letting go of old, limiting beliefs and symptoms, and learning new tools and resources for self-care and balanced living. TraskE healing method has many services to supplement and augment your wellness regime.

Starting March 1st, 2013 and going until the 30st of April 2013, holistic health consulting has a promotion going on on all TraskE healing method Distance services.

All Distance TraskE healing method sessions are Discounted 50% March & April 2013!

Yes! This promotion is available for subsequent TraskE healing method distance sessions, as availability allows.

Please feel free to contact Elizabeth Trask: hhctraske@gmail.com, with your inquiries and to book your appointment.

*This promotional rate applies to all TraskE Healing Method distance sessions purchased & booked within the time line of March 1st and April 30th, 2013.

**This promotion cannot be combined with any other promotion.

February 28, 2013


Playing with paints.

love poem: February 20, 2013

Serving suggestions:

You may like to breathe deeply before and while you read this poem.

We suggest you read it slowly, and savour the words.

We encourage you to open your experience to feel the love as you read.

Love is Real.

love love love.
see it. think it. say it.
love love love.
feel it. show it. grow it.
love love love.
live it. breathe it. share it.
love love love.
for me. for you. for all.
love love love.
one love connects us all.
—elizabeth trask



Love is the most powerful force

holistic health consulting is a love-based business.

We believe love is unlimited. We believe love is real.

We believe Love helps nourish and heal.

We believe Love is the most powerful force.

If you immediately feel some inner resistance, skepticism or sarcasm in response to the above four lines, please consider allowing yourself the opportunity of reading on while suspending your judgement, even if only long enough to assess how the ideas presented Feel, in addition to any cognitive response you may experience.

We invite you to engage your courage and question  taken for granted beliefs or values at work in your life.

While we are aware that fear is a very powerful motivator, or un-motivator, in general, we believe that we are only limited by fear if we allow fear to control what we choose to do and feel. If we allow fear to limit us, and our beliefs about the (love in the) world, then fear is the power in our life.

We value accountability and authenticity in each sacred journey.

Self-Accountability & and Transparency are important tools to assist you with this approach.

Please consider taking a deep breath and affirming the following bullets:

  • I am not limited by the projected limiting beliefs of any other being.
  • I am the only person who can limit me.
  • I choose my beliefs and what I accept. I accept love as the most powerful force.
  • I know love is real.
  • I have the power to choose what motivates me, and I choose Love as my power and motivator.
  • I choose to believe love is real, unlimited, and accessible to me at all times.
  • I am always connected to Love, and there is always more Love for me.
  • I choose to make decisions only after connecting with my heart.

We believe you deserve to feel good. We believe you deserve to chose thoughts, ideas, and activities that help you to feel good.

We encourage you to remember to make frequent authentic contact with your innermost-self, and find your sacred truth.

Please also remember to notice if any of the filters or perspectives at work in your life Feel limiting, and can be shed, to nourish your inner garden of loving beliefs.

The above beliefs and values are brought to work in different and wonderful ways with each of the clinicians at holistic health consulting.

If you find yourself interested in some assistance nourishing loving beliefs, or identifying limiting filters or perspectives, please consider clicking on our Services tab to see if any of the Services at holistic health consulting feel interesting to you. Please feel free to Contact us, we would love to work with you.

Today’s hhc affirmation: Love is the most powerful force. I choose Love as the power in my life.  I choose to inhale Love with every breath. 

affirmation: February 10, 2013

A happy new year to everyone celebrating today!

Today’s affirmation is designed to remind us that we are safe, and awesome.

Today’s hhc affirmation:  I breathe deeply. My future is bright, safe, and secure. Full of gratitude, I move forward on my path, with peace and ease.

affirmation: January 15, 2013

Today’s hhc affirmation: In honour of Nature’s limitless beauty and power, I release any limiting beliefs, and I welcome loving beliefs.

Sun-rays in winter wonderland

Sun-rays in winter wonderland

January & February 2013 Promotion

Introducing the first promotion of the year…

This promotion is designed to assist with promoting a balanced and healthy start to the calendar year. According to some philosophies; how something starts is often an indication of how it unfolds, and when it comes to setting the tone for a new year, holistic health consulting has many tools and resources to help you be an empowered creator of your excellent year.

Starting January 2nd 2013 until the 28th of February 2013, holistic health consulting has a promotion going on on all TraskE healing method services and Consultation services.

All TraskE healing method & Consultation services booked within the time period will receive a 25% discount!

This promotion is available for subsequent sessions, as availability allows.

This promotion is also available for distance sessions.

**These promotional rates apply to all TraskE Healing Method sessions and Consultation sessions purchased & booked within the time line of January 2nd and February 28th, 2013. This promotion cannot be combined with any other promotion.