Tag Archives: health

affirmation: December 31, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation: It is time for me to release my resistance, and do what makes my heart sing. I allow myself to receive all the pleasures and success’ life has to offer.

affirmation: December 29, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation: I deserve to feel good. I welcome decadence, gratitude, and pleasure of all kinds into my awareness.

affirmation: December 27, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation:  Today, I spend some silent time with myself; I breathe deeply and listen to my inner guidance.

affirmation: December 14, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation: I am ready to receive and be grateful for more.

Fear, limiting beliefs, and the power of love.

While fear is a very powerful motivator, or un-motivator, in general, I believe that I am only limited by fear if I allow fear to control what it is I choose to do. If I allow fear to limit me and my beliefs about the (love in the) world, then fear is the power in my life.

Facts: I am not limited by the projected limiting beliefs of any other being. I am the only person who can limit me. Love is real.

I know love is real. I have the power to choose what motivates me, and I choose love as my power and motivator.

Today’s hhc affirmation: I praise my unlimited thinking. I am free to believe love is real, and I choose Love as the power in my life.

holiday self-care, why not? November 24, 2012

With the bustle of the holiday season picking up into full-swing, it can be easy to neglect our self-care, and wind up feeling depleted before our holidays even begin.

Why not make a commitment to yourself this year, and give yourself the gift of committed self-care, with supports?

When we give ourselves permission to take excellent care of ourselves, everything we do, from dishes to workplace productivity, is more joyful.

When we care for ourselves deliberately and lovingly we have more to give the people we care about, including us.

If you are looking for some ways to support your health over the holidays, may we suggest booking in with a holistic health consultant who can assist you with catering your self-care plan to your specific needs and lifestyle, encourage you in your progress, and help to expand your perspective and expectations about health and healing.

Holistic health consulting has an extraordinary promotion going on until the end of the year  (November & December 2012 Promotion), on all TraskE Healing Method services, that can make sharing the gift of supported wellness with yourself, and those you care about, even more enjoyable.

happy healing.


hhc happy healing how-to: November 23, 2012

Today I inhale, and focus my attention on my posture.

I exhale, and bring my attention to releasing any areas of tension in my body, and mind.

I inhale, and breathe air and awareness into my shoulders.

I exhale, and relax my shoulders down.

I inhale, focus a deeper awareness of my body’s posture,

and I affirm: my posture is excellent, I support myself with ease.

Today’s hhc affirmation: My posture is excellent. I support myself with ease.

affirmation: November 22, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation: I am grateful, I find the joy in everything I do.

affirmation: November 21, 2012

Today’s hhc affirmation: I am grateful for the strength and wisdom in my body.

November & December 2012 Promotion

Introducing the last and most celebrated promotion of the year… the November and December 2012 Promotion!

From now until the end of the year (Last work day this year is the 29th of December, 2012), holistic health consulting has a promotion going on on all TraskE Healing Method services.

Each subsequent session you book, and purchase from now until the end of the year, you save more money per hour.

The sessions can be for you, or purchased for another person you care about, so long as they are purchased and booked in by December 29th, 2012.

First Session: $130/hour
Second Session: $110/hour
Third Session: $90/hour
Fourth Session: $70/hour

The duration of each session depends on how quickly your body moves through the session. Each subsequent session will be billed at the further reduced rate, to a maximum of 4 sessions, per person, per promotion.

**These promotional rates apply to all TraskE Healing Method sessions purchased & booked within the time line, and a limit of four, per person, per promotion, applies.