Tag Archives: moon
January 25, 2013
New moons provide optimal opportunities for us to assess how we are feeling, and make some goals to promote more joy, and more wellness in the coming month.
January and March this year are exceptional in that both months have two new moons, rather than only one. With 5 days until January’s second new moon, on the 30th, the timing is excellent to ponder some goals or ideas to help increase joy and wellness in your life, and maybe even jot some ideas down.
I have several new moon wishes I am making for this new moon. One of my priorities this month is to continue making creative expression time, and as I do, I will share some pictures of my creations.
Please feel free to share any of your new moon wishes.
happy healing.
affirmation: December 17, 2013
Happy Full Moon <3
Posted in Celebrations, Reminders
Tagged elizabeth trask, Full Moon, happy healing, Love, moon, wellness
<3 Full Moon Friday, October 18, 2013 <3
Happy Full Moon Friday to all.
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Posted in Celebrations, Reminders
Tagged elizabeth trask, Full Moon, Love, moon, TraskE healing, TraskE healing method, wellness
<3 New Moon: August 6, 2013
a very happy New Moon to All!
happy healing.
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Posted in Celebrations, Reminders
Tagged happy healing, moon, new moon, traske, TraskE healing, TraskE healing method
New Moon: July 8, 2013
Happy New Moon to everyone!
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Posted in Celebrations, Reminders
June 23, 2013
Happy Full Moon, and happy healing to all!
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Posted in Celebrations, Reminders
Tagged elizabeth trask, Full Moon, happy healing, Love, moon, TraskE healing, TraskE healing method
February 9th, 2013
Happy New Moon to everyone, and to all a good night!
Comments Off on February 9th, 2013
Posted in Celebrations, Reminders, Self-love
Tagged happy healing, moon, new moon
Fear, limiting beliefs, and the power of love.
While fear is a very powerful motivator, or un-motivator, in general, I believe that I am only limited by fear if I allow fear to control what it is I choose to do. If I allow fear to limit me and my beliefs about the (love in the) world, then fear is the power in my life.
Facts: I am not limited by the projected limiting beliefs of any other being. I am the only person who can limit me. Love is real.
I know love is real. I have the power to choose what motivates me, and I choose love as my power and motivator.
Today’s hhc affirmation: I praise my unlimited thinking. I am free to believe love is real, and I choose Love as the power in my life.
Posted in Affirmations, Reminders, Self-love
Tagged affirmation, affirmations, breath, energy medicine, Fear, Full Moon, happy healing, healing, health, holistic health, holistic health consulting, love yourself, moon, self healing, self-acceptance, self-care, self-love, self-talk, TraskE healing, TraskE healing method
Self-love notes, September 14, 2012
Happy Friday from holistic health consulting!
I have noticed that many of my patients have had a bit of a challenging week. Many of them seem to be bogged down with their internal processing, a little introspective, and a bit pensive.
Today I offer my compassion and my empathy to all of you wonderful human beings, so committed to your authentic journeys.
Tomorrow night is the New Moon, in Virgo ( FYI @ 19:11 PDT).
I Wonder if we will all feel a little more at peace following the new moon tomorrow.
The new moon represents a new beginning, a fresh start. I like to make mini-resolutions, more like mini-goals, or self-care wishes, on the new moon.
This month I am focusing on my core strength. I am strengthening my body, so that I can support myself with ease.
Is there anything you would like to focus on in the next month?
Please feel free to share some of your self-care wishes or mini-goals.
I encourage your willingness to share, you may inspire someone by sharing the truth of your journey.
Posted in Self-love
Tagged happy healing, holistic health, love yourself, lunar, luney, moon, new moon, positive affirmations, positive self-talk, self healing, self-acceptance, self-love, self-talk