Tag Archives: affirmation

affirmation: October 17, 2013

Today’s opening affirmation:

I open my heart with every breath.

I help every breath count.

happy healing.

affirmation: October 16, 2013

Today’s self-praising affirmation:

 I let myself know I am doing an excellent job; frequently, and sincerely.

happy healing.

affirmation: October 12, 2013

Today’s affirmation:

I release all struggle from my life.

I start with my breath.

I breathe Love into any areas of tension or discomfort.

As I exhale, my breath bestows gratitude and forgiveness on the world.

happy healing.

affirmation: October 8, 2013

Today’s self-Love-full affirmation:

I deserve to feel awesome.

I give myself praise, encouragement, and appreciation frequently.

happy healing.

affirmation: September 29, 2013

Today’s self-accepting affirmation:

I am grateful for my creativity.

I make time to realize my creativity.

happy healing.

affirmation: September 28, 2013

Today’s self-care affirmation:

I support my body by breathing deeply,

and drinking plenty of water.

It feels good to ventilate, and hydrate mindfully.

happy healing.

affirmation: September 27, 2013

Today’s lovely affirmation:

I remember to breathe deeply, and as  I do, I release. I relax. I let go. Letting go feels awesome. <3

happy healing.

affirmation: September 16, 2013

Today’s affirmation:

I am grateful for my expanding awareness of all the Love available to me.

happy healing.

affirmation: September 10, 2013

Today’s appreciation affirmation:

 I know my incredible value, and I appreciate my worth.

I deserve to feel good. 

I remember to appreciate all the goodness and kindness I do.

I am doing a good job.

happy healing.

Happy New Moon: September 5 2013

Happy New Moon and happy September to all!

September often feels like a time of new starts and new rituals, so much so, that September 1st feels more like New Year’s to me than January 1st.

If you are getting down to some new adventures, new classes, or new rituals now, I offer words of encouragement, and well wishes to support your success.

In addition to the goal setting/achieving advantages that September brings, this evening brings with it, a New Moon.

New moons are great times to make goals for our holistic wellness. I feel we are more supported to start new healthy rituals, and mini-resolutions on and near New moons.

So this means that today is a double-awesome time to give some thought to how you are feeling, and if it is not quite how you want to feel, spend time discovering and implementing new ideas, thoughts, and actions to support your wellness, holistically.

If you find you are interested in some assistance with your self-assessment or with catering your goals, or learning some wellness-strategies, to support your goals and wellness, please contact us, we would Love to help you reach your optimal experience of Awesome.