Tag Archives: breathing

affirmation: April 11, 2014

Today’s affirmation:

I am grateful for my deep, freeing breaths.

My breath-cycle matters.

happy healing.

affirmation: February 20, 2014

Today’s freeing affirmation:

I choose a pace that honours my sacred-timing.

I am patient with myself.

happy healing.

affirmation: February 2, 2014

 Today’s Love-full affirmation:

I deserve to Love my body. My body deserves my Love.

happy healing.


affirmation: October 26, 2013

Today’s grateful affirmation:

I open to the perfection of now.

I am grateful for my presence.

I am grateful for my breath.

happy healing.

affirmation: October 17, 2013

Today’s opening affirmation:

I open my heart with every breath.

I help every breath count.

happy healing.

affirmation: October 12, 2013

Today’s affirmation:

I release all struggle from my life.

I start with my breath.

I breathe Love into any areas of tension or discomfort.

As I exhale, my breath bestows gratitude and forgiveness on the world.

happy healing.

affirmation: September 28, 2013

Today’s self-care affirmation:

I support my body by breathing deeply,

and drinking plenty of water.

It feels good to ventilate, and hydrate mindfully.

happy healing.

affirmation: August 7, 2013

What if the benefits of hard work are a myth?

What if work doesn’t need to feel hard?

What if you can empower the perception that work can feel good, easy, and rewarding?

What if breathing Love into work can help fill it with ease and inspiration?

Today’s Love-full affirmation: 

I breathe Love into my work.

I fill my tasks with ease.

I breathe Love into my work,

and my work breathes Love into me.

happy healing.


affirmation: June 24, 2013

Today’s Love-full affirmation:

Feeling Awesome is my highest priority. I breathe deeply and know that I deserve to feel the  Awesome I create.


my future is bright, safe, & secure.

This is an awesome message to affirm:


Today’s hhc affirmation: My future is bright, safe, and secure

Serving Suggestions:

  • Consider inhaling a breath slowly, and deeply and affirming this message.
  • Exhale your breath slowly and completely, as you affirm that your future is bright, safe, and secure.
  • Continue this breathing and affirming for as long as you find therapeutic.

Please read on, if you are finding that even during and after you practice breathing, slowly and deeply, and affirming that your future is bright, safe, and secure, you do not feel that it is true.

What if your future doesn’t feel bright, safe and secure?

There is a high probability that if your future doesn’t feel safe and secure, that the actions you are taking right now are not giving you confidence that your future is going to be any more comfortable or secure than it is now. If you are not taking excellent care of your Self, then it is likely your body is not feeling loved, safe or secure now, why would it foresee a safe and bright future?

Your future is malleable, and responds to your beliefs, thoughts and actions. Your future is a direct result of what you are doing, thinking and feeling right now. You have the power to give yourself permission to help your now feel more bright, safe and secure. If you do at least one thing every day that helps you feel bright, safe and secure, you will be on a path to a future that is brighter, safer and more secure.

You have the power to be kind to the one person that can change everything in the world around you. You.

Even a little self-care goes a long way; self-care is gift to the world, it helps everything feel slightly more awesome, and that is quite a blessing.

Sometimes we need assistance keeping ourselves accountable to our self-care goals, especially as we transition , if that feels like it might be true for you, consider reaching out to someone you love, asking them to help you remember to nourish your new behaviours and patterns of wellness.

If you are looking for a little more support, or maybe some assistance making and attaining self-care and wellness goals please contact us for some professional perspective, and book a consultation or healing energy session.