Tag Archives: Love

Love-full seawall

While walking on the Cambie street bridge, in Vancouver,  the other evening, and I noticed this, so lovely. I photographed this Love-full art to share with you.

Love-full painted seawall in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Love-full painted seawall in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Adding to the growing evidence that Love is everywhere.

new moon: October 23, 2014

Happy new moon to everyone.


Love, Peace.

I am delighted to be providing myself with ample evidence that Love is everywhere.

Love & Peace message written on the median, in Olympic Village, Vancouver, BC.

Love & Peace message written on the median, in Olympic Village, Vancouver, BC.

Love is for everyone.

So say we all.

new moon: September 23, 2014

Happy new moon to everyone.


Love for all

Here is some further evidence that Love is everywhere, and for everyone.

This is a picture of the better good store-front, located on Broadway, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. ( http://thebettergood.com/)

The better good store front in Saskatoon,   http://thebettergood.com/

The better good store-front, in Saskatoon.

I Love the imagery and the message.

Thanks for sharing your Love, better good store!

Love for all, indeed.

Love is for everyone.

affirmation: September 11, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I am so Loved, and Loveable, exactly as I am.

Happy healing.

affirmation: August 20, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I am learning new ways to share Love more generously, with myself, and with all of Life.

happy healing

affirmation: August 15, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I welcome Love into my heart, into my mind, and into every aspect of my being.

happy healing

affirmation: August 11, 2014

Today’s awesome affirmation:

I value, and appreciate my emotions.

happy healing

Full Moon: August 10, 2014

Happy Full Moon to all!